DJI P4 RTK - SDK Combo

5400,00 €
inkl. 19% USt. , zzgl. Versand

Visionäre Intelligenz. Erhöhte Genauigkeit.

  • Kompakteste,  akkurateste low-altitude Mapping Lösung
  • 1cm + 1pppm horizontale Genauigkeit
  • 1,5cm + 1ppm vertikale Genauigkeit
  • 1" CMOS Sensor
Bestellung auf Kundenwunsch

Lieferzeit: 7 Werktage

Phantom 4 RTK - SDK Combo

Erleben Sie die nächste Generation moderner Kartierungsabläufe - mit der Phantom 4 RTK, die kompakteste und präziseste Kartierungslösung für niedrige Höhen.

Kartierung der nächsten Generation
DJI hat moderne Drohnentechnologie von Grund auf neu durchdacht und dadurch einen neuen Präzisionsstandard geschaffen.
Die Phantom 4 RTK bietet Kunden zentimetergenaue Daten und verringert darüber hinaus die benötigten Kontrollpunkte am Boden.

  • 1 cm + 1 ppm RTK Horizontal-Positioniergenauigkeit
  • 1,5 cm + 1 ppm RTK Vertikal-Positioniergenauigkeit
  • 5 cm* Absolute horizontale Präzision photogrammetrischer Modelle

Key Features

  • RTK Module
  • 1" CMOS Sensor
  • TimeSync
  • OcuSync
  • D-RTK 2 GNSS Mobile Station

Zentimetergenaues Positionierungssystem
Das neue RTK-Modul wurde direkt in die Phantom 4 RTK integriert und bietet zentimetergenaue Positionsdaten für eine verbesserte Gesamtpräzision von Metadaten. Direkt unter dem RTK-Empfänger sind redundante GNSS-Module verbaut, diese sorgen für mehr Flugstabilität in Gebieten mit traditionell schlechtem Empfang, wie etwa dicht bebaute Innenstädte. Durch die Kombination beider Module, steigert die Phantom 4 RTK die Flugsicherheit und protokolliert simultan Präzisionsdaten komplexer Vermessungen, Kartierungen und Inspektionen. Integrieren Sie die Phantom 4 RTK mit Leichtigkeit in professionelle Arbeitsabläufe. Die Phantom 4 RTK ist in der Lage sich problemlos mit der D-RTK 2 Mobile Station zu verbinden, darüber hinaus ist die Anbindung per NTRIP (Network Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol) über ein 4G-Dongle oder Wi-Fi-Hotspot möglich, sowie das Speichern von Satellitendaten für Post Processed Kinematics (PPK).

Präzise Datenprotokollierung mit TimeSync
Um die Vorteile der Positionierungsmodule der Phantom 4 RTK vollständig zu nutzen, gleicht das neue TimeSync-System die Daten des Flugreglers, der Kamera und des RTK-Moduls kontinuierlich untereinander ab. Darüber hinaus stellt TimeSync sicher, dass jedes Foto mit präzisen Metadaten ausgerüstet ist und fixiert die Positionsdaten im Zentrum des CMOS - für optimale Resultate und Präzision bei photogrammetrischen Methoden.

Präzises Kamerasystem
Beste Bilddaten festhalten, dank des 1 Zoll CMOS-Sensors mit 20 Megapixeln. Der mechanische Verschluss sorgt für nahtlose Kartierung und Datenakquise, durch die Eliminierung von Rolling-Shutter-Effekten. Durch die hohe Auflösung des Kamerasensors ist die Phantom 4 RTK bei einer Flughöhe von 100 m in der Lage eine Ground Sample Distance (GSD) von 2,74 cm zu erreichen. Um die Präzision der Phantom 4 RTK zu sichern, wird jedes Objektiv einem gründlichen Kalibrierungsprozess unterzogen, bei dem radiale und tangentiale Verzeichnungen gemessen werden. Die Verzeichnungsparameter werden in den Metadaten jedes Bildes gespeichert, damit die Software zur Nachbearbeitung für jeden Nutzer individuell angepasst werden kann.

Unterstützung für das Mobile SDK
Die Phantom 4 RTK ist mit dem DJI Mobile SDK kompatibel, was noch mehr Möglichkeiten zur Automatisierung und Individualisierung in Kombination mit einem Mobilgerät erlaubt.

Zugriff auf eine Vielzahl an Anwendungen
Piloten, die bereits Erfahrungen mit Apps von Drittanbietern haben, können diese Apps jetzt auch mit der Phantom 4 RTK mit der SDK Fernsteuerung verwenden. Nutzer können einfach ein kompatibles Android oder iOS Mobilgerät mit der Fernsteuerung verbinden und jede mit dem DJI Mobile SDK kompatible App mit der Phantom 4 RTK verwenden.

Genießen Sie eine zuverlässige HD-Bild- und Videoübertragung mit einer Reichweite von bis zu 7 km. *Ohne Hindernisse und Interferenzen, FCC konform Die maximale Flugdistanz ist ein Referenzwert für Signalstärke und Robustheit. Sofern nicht anderweitig erlaubt, sollte eine Drohne stets mit Sichtkontakt geflogen werden.

Nahtlose Kompatibilität mit der D-RTK 2 Mobile Station
Unterstützten Sie die Einsätze der Phantom 4 RTK mit einer D-RTK 2 Mobile Station - für differenziale Datenübertragung in Echtzeit. Das robuste Design der Mobile Station und OcuSync 2.0 bieten zentimetergenaue Präzision unter widrigsten Bedingungen.

Hinweis: Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich bei diesem Produkt um eine SDK Version handelt.
Es wird vorausgesetzt, dass man damit eigene Apps oder Software betreibt und nicht alle beworbenen Funktionen der Phantom 4 RTK sind ab Werk verfügbar.

Der Fernsteuersender unterscheidet sich wie folgt vom Standard-Phantom 4 RTK Fernsteuersender:

  • kein verbautes Display mit Missionsplanungssoftware
  • kein Akkuwechselsystem (WB37), sondern integrierter Akku
  • kein microSD-Kartenslot für Datenimporte
  • kein 4G/LTE Port Dongle


  • 1x Phantom 4 RTK Fluggerät
  • 1x SDK Fernsteuersender
  • 4x Propellerpaar
  • 2x Intelligenter Akku für Fluggerät
  • 1x Ladehub Intelligenter Akku
  • 1x Netzteil
  • 1x Netzkabel für Netzteil
  • 1x Intelligenter Akku WB37 für Fernsteuersender
  • 1x Ladehub für Intelligenter Akku WB37 für Fernsteuersender
  • 1x Micro-USB Kabel
  • 1x USB Kabel
  • 1x 16GB Micro SD Karte
  • 1x Transportbox

Artikelnummer: P4RTKC2
GTIN: 6958265185724
Retrieved from:

1.How does the Phantom 4 RTK differ from previous Phantom Series products?
While previous Phantom Series drones were built around professional photographers and hobbyists, the Phantom 4 RTK was designed for industrial users for high-precision mapping and other data acquisition missions. While the Phantom 4 RTK shares a similar camera and form size, it also adds a RTK positioning module, a new TimeSync system, a purpose-built mapping app and more.
2.What propellers does the Phantom 4 RTK use?
The Phantom 4 RTK uses the same 9450s Quick Release Propellers as the Phantom 4 Pro.
3.Can I fly the Phantom 4 RTK in other countries or regions?
No, the Phantom 4 RTK has specific versions for different countries and/or regions. Users can check the version code on the product packaging or through the GS RTK app (go to Aircraft Information -> Firmware).
1.What is the difference between the Phantom 4 RTK's camera and the camera on the Phantom 4 Advanced/Pro?
While the Phantom 4 RTK and Phantom 4 Pro/Advanced share the same 1-inch, 20 megapixel CMOS sensor, the Phantom 4 RTK has improved the capabilities of the camera for mapping through a new lens distortion recording process. Each Phantom 4 RTK camera goes through a calibration process that measures the distortions of the lens, and records the corresponding undistort parameters. The camera allows users to output the original images without distortion correction as well as the undistort parameters in the XMP file for post-processing
2.Can the ND filter of the Phantom 4 Pro be used on the Phantom 4 RTK?
Yes, the ND filters made for the Phantom 4 Pro can also be used for the Phantom 4 RTK.
3.Does the Phantom 4 RTK camera digital signal processor (DSP) support distortion correction?
No, you can enable the distortion correction in the camera but the images will be less precise compared to distortion elimination in post-processing software.
4.How is the Phantom 4 RTK camera calibrated?
Each Phantom 4 RTK camera goes through a calibration process that measures the distortions of the lens, and records the corresponding undistort parameters in XMP DewarpData. When the “distortion correction” is switched off, the original image with distortion will be generated. When the “distortion correction” is switched on, the parameters used to eliminate distortion is not the parameters calibrated, but the design parameters of the camera. When eliminating the distortions, it is not done pixel by pixel.
Remote Controller
1.What are the highlight features for the standard remote controller of the Phantom 4 RTK?
1.Built-in 5.5-inch display, 1080P, up to 1000 nits brightness. You can see the screen in strong sunlight. The controller can work in low temperatures.
2.Supports hot swappable batteries.
3.Pre-installed GS RTK App can run Photogrammetry, Waypoint and other mission types.
4.OcuSync video transmission.
2.How can I switch between FCC and CE modes?
FCC and CE mode switching is not available.
3.Can I connect the Phantom 4 RTK to other Phantom series controllers?
Video Transmission
1.What is the video transmission distance of the Phantom 4 RTK?
The effective video transmission distance depends on your method of operation (such as the antenna position) and actual flight environment. In an open and unobscured environment, the maximum distance is 7 km when FCC compliant, and 5 km when CE compliant. (2.4 GHz).
2.What should I do if the app sends me the following notification: "the remote controller signal is weak, please adjust the antenna"?
This means that improper antenna positioning is likely affecting the video transmission signal, and therefore the quality of the real-time view. You can try to adjust the antennas so the flat sides of the antenna point towards the Phantom 4 RTK.
3.Can I continue my automated mapping mission if the Phantom 4 RTK loses video transmission signal during its mission?
Yes, if the video transmission signal is lost, you can reconnect and continue the mapping mission.
1.Can I use my Phantom 4 Pro batteries with the Phantom 4 RTK and vice versa?
Yes, the Phantom 4 RTK and Pro batteries are cross compatible and have the same capacity, meaning flight time won't be effected.
2.How long does it take to fully charge a Phantom 4 RTK battery?
It takes roughly 60 minutes to fully charge a Phantom 4 RTK battery.
3.How should I take care and store my batteries?
Batteries should be stored in a dry, ventilated, cool environment, away from fire, high temperature and flammable materials.Do not put the battery in an environment that may cause the battery temperature to rise, such as in the sun, or under the direct sunlight inside your car.Long-term storage should ensure that the amount of electricity is more than 50% but not fully charged. The battery should be charged and discharged to maintain the battery activity every 3 month for long-term storage.
4.What does it mean when the battery icon turns yellow in the app?
This means the voltage of the battery cell is low and should be charged soon. Please be cautious when flying under this situation.
5.Can I use Phantom 4 RTK batteries in low temperatures?
The battery capacity (and therefore flight time) will sharply decrease in low temperatures (< -10℃/14℉). It is recommended to heat the batteries to 20℃/68℉ before flying to limit this effect. For flight safety, the battery cannot be charged when the temperature is below 5℃/41℉ or above 40℃/104℉.
6.Why do batteries start to heat up after long-term storage?
This is a normal phenomenon. When batteries have been stored for a long time with over 65% of the charge remaining, an automatic discharging procedure is activated to decrease battery level to 65%, during which the batteries will heat up.
Position and Orientation
1.What options do I have to reference the positioning data from the Phantom 4 RTK?
1. Connect locally via OcuSync to your D-RTK 2 Mobile Station. (RTCM3.2)
2. Connect remotely via a 4G Dongle to a custom RTK network using a NTRIP account.(RTCM3.2)
3. Connect remotely via a WiFi hotspot to a custom RTK network using a NTRIP account. Not available in Europe.(RTCM3.0/RTCM3.1/RTCM3.2)
2.What positioning accuracy can the Phantom 4 RTK achieve?
The Phantom 4 RTK can achieve 1 cm+1 ppm (horizontal), 1.5 cm + 1 ppm (vertical) accurate data.
3.What is TimeSync and how does it ensure the positioning accuracy of each image taken on the Phantom 4 RTK?
TimeSync continually aligns the flight controller, camera and RTK module, then adjusts the positioning data to the center of the CMOS and records the data in EXIF and XMP format.
4.What are the differences between PPK and RTK mode? How to use them?
RTK and PPK are two different kinematics technologies that reference data in different ways. Although PPK generally has slightly higher positioning accuracy than RTK, both achieve centimeter-level precision. RTK is recommended for users flying in environments that allow for real-time connection via OcuSync or 4G and prefer convenience and efficiency. For users who have no demand on timeliness and/or need to operate in conditions without connectivity, PPK is a better option.
5.Which PPK file types does the Phantom 4 RTK support? What are these files for and how do I use them?
EVENTLOG.bin is a binary format that stores exposure, time stamp and log file.
PPKRAW.bin is an RTCM3.2 MSM5 format that stores satellite observation data and ephemeris data.
Rinex.obs is a Rinex file format that is created after transcoding.
Timestamps.MRK is a ASCII format that stores exposure and time stamp.
6.How do I find the XMP information of my Phantom 4 RTK photos?
Open the photo in text format and search "XMP" to find this information on each photo.
7.When I take a photo with the Phantom 4 RTK, where is the location metadata logging the position from?
Due to the new TimeSync system, each photo stores the position of the CMOS center in its metadata.
8.How can I get the compensation value between the antenna phase center and CMOS center?
For each photo, the compensation value between the RTK module's antenna phase center and the CMOS center in NED coordinate system is recorded in the timestamp, which can be found in the Timestamp.MRK file under the "survey" folder.
9.What are the methods of calculation used by the Cloud PPK Service?
There are 2 ways that Cloud PPK Service uses to calculate PPK data: DJI base station and RINEX base station.
(1)DJI Base Station: Connect DJI D-RTK 2 High-Precision GNSS Mobile Station and the remote controller via a USB cable to upload the PPK data onto the base station. After the server acquires the data from the aircraft and the D-RTK 2 Mobile Station, it will start PPK calculation automatically.
(2)RINEX Base Station: Convert the satellite observation values received by third-party base stations into standard RINEX format, then import the PPK source data to the remote controller and upload them to the cloud server for PPK calculation.
10.In which SD cade file folder should the third-party satellite observation data be stored when I use a RINEX base station for PPK calculation? Where will the PPK calculation results be stored?
You should save the third-party satellite observation data under sd card/third_base/ on the SD card in the remote controller. The PPK results will be stored under SD card/DCIM/SURVEY/(mission file name)/result.csv.
11.How does the Cloud PPK Service acquire the geographic coordinate information of third-party base stations when using a RINEX base station for PPK calculation?
(1)If the RINEX file contains a field “APPROX POSITION XYZ”, which includes the approximate location of the base station in the ECEF coordinate system, the Cloud PPK Service will be able to analyze the location based on information in the field and convert it into geographic coordinates. These coordinates will be set as the default coordinates for the phase center of the antenna of the base station.
(2)Users can also manually enter the longitude and latitude information of where the base station is set up, as well as the distance between the bottom of the base station and the antenna phase center (APC). With this information, the Cloud PPK Service will run calculations based on the antenna phase center information entered by the user.
(3)The Cloud PPK Service can also acquire the location of the antenna phase center through Single Point Positioning (SPP) with RINEX data. These coordinates will be used for PPK calculation. *
* Currently only available in Europe.
12.Where is Cloud PPK Service available?
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Monaco, Moldova, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Slovakia, San Marino, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vatican City, Belarus, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Serbia, North Macedonia, Albania, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Andorra, Cyprus
13.When I use the D-RTK 2 Mobile Station as an RTK rover, where are the coordinate files stored?
You can find them under /DJI/EXPORT/RTK_SCOUT.
14.How does the RTK rover measure data?
There are two ways:
(1) Instantaneous measurement
(2) Average measurement using 10 values collected during 2 seconds
15.Does the D-RTK 2 Mobile Station have to have an RTK “FIX” to be used as a rover?
(1)For instantaneous measurement: yes, it has to be “FIX”.
(2)For average measurement: it is recommended that the RTK signal be “FIX”.
16.How do I run firmware updates on the D-RTK 2 Mobile Station?
Currently you can only update it via the Phantom 4 RTK Remote Controller (not the SDK Remote Controller).
1.How do I update the Phantom 4 RTK firmware?
The Phantom 4 RTK firmware upgrade process is similar to that of the Phantom 4 Pro. Using the DJI Assistant 2 software, you can update the remote controller and aircraft firmware separately .
You can also update the drone and remote controller simultaneously through the GS RTK app. First you connect the remote controller to the aircraft with OTG and USB cables, then follow the procedures explained in the remote controller's GS RTK app.
2.In what situations are the left/right TOF and infrared sensors active?
Currently the left/right TOF and infrared sensors are not active, so please fly with caution.
3.Which software programs can I use to control my Phantom 4 RTK and plan flights?
You can use the GS RTK app for flight control and plannng, and PC-based mapping software such as DJI Terra for mapping missions. If you purchase the SDK Remote Controller, you can also use DJI GS Pro, DJI Pilot, and a variety of third-party apps developed using DJI' MSDK.
4.What mapping platform is being used to provide map data to the Phantom 4 RTK app?
Mapbox is used to provide map data to the GS RTK app.
5.What are the limitations to the Phantom 4 RTK's waypoints?
In the GS RTK App: maximum waypoints: 199.
In DJI Terra: waypoints can be at most 2km apart, and at most 99 waypoints can be set. The total distance of a waypoint mission cannot exceed 40km, in photogrammetry mode the max distance is 100km.
6.Can I set waypoints by entering longitude and latitude values when using Waypoint mode?
7.Does the GS RTK app have 3D flight path planning functions?
8.When importing KML area files into software programs, what is the maximum number of boundary points that I can set?
Currently the GS RTK app supports up to 199 boundary points, and DJI Terra supports up to 99.
9.In Terrain Awareness Mode, is there a way to turn off the Terrain Rendering Map display?
Yes. Tap the ··· on the upper right corner in Terrain Awareness Mode, and tap the ··· on the sidebar, you can turn off the display there under General Settings.
10.When would I use Block Segmentation?
Block Segmentation breaks large areas into multiple sets of flight paths, which will help improve efficiency. It is recommended to plan these flights over generally flat areas with little change in elevation for the best results.
11.How do I plan flight missions with Block Segmentation?
(1)Select Block Segmentation;
(2)Set the mapping area: manually set the mapping area or import kml files;
(3)Adjust the grid size and direction;
(4)Adjust parameters such as camera parameters and overlap rate.
12.In Block Segmentation, are the flight paths planned separately for each divided region or altogether?
The flight paths are planned altogether for all regions. Users cannot adjust the overlap rate, height, route direction, and other parameters for each area individually.
13.How do I control multiple aircraft simultaneously when executing Block Segmentation missions?
After you finish planning, bind each Phantom 4 RTK with corresponding flight mission. Then, you can start one of the missions by itself or start all missions simultaneously.
14.How many Phantom 4 RTK can I control at the same time while using the Block Segmentation?
At most 5.
15.If I operate several aircraft at the same time, is it possible that they crash into each other?
No. Thanks to the obstacle sensing technology, when two or more Phantom 4 RTK get close to each other, they will slow down or hover automatically. They will only resume the mission when the area is cleared.
16.Can I fly a mission with Phantom 4 RTK using Absolute Altitude?
Yes, but only for Waypoint Flight.
17.How do I fly a mission with Phantom 4 RTK using Absolute Altitude?
(1)Enter RTK Settings and confirm the RTK status is FIX;
(2)Select Waypoint Flight, start adding waypoints with RTK enabled, the system will automatically record the absolute altitude of each waypoint;
(3)Select Absolute Altitude in the Height popup window when you perform the operation.
18.Can I fly a mission using Absolute Altitude if RTK is not enabled or if RTK is not “FIX” on the Phantom 4 RTK?
No. You can only fly using the default Relative Altitude mode without RTK or if RTK is not “FIX”.
1.What formats of differential data does the Phantom 4 RTK support?
Currently the Phantom 4 RTK supports RTCM 3.0 data, RTCM 3.1 data, MSM4,MSM5, MSM6 and MSM7 data under RTCM3.2.
2.Are the coordinates measured by the Phantom 4 RTK relative coordinates or absolute coordinates?
The coordinates measured by the Phantom 4 RTK are absolute coordinates under WGS84.
3.How do I calculate an appropriate flight altitude based on a GSD value?
You can refer to the equation H=36.5*GSD to estimate an appropriate flight altitude. Please note that GSD ground sampling distance in this equation is measured by centimeters, while H (Height or flight altitude) is measured by meters. For example, GSD=2.74 cm, when altitude=100 m.
4.Do images captured by the Phantom 4 RTK store altitude any information? If so, how is this data stored?
Elevation and relative altitude (relative to your takeoff point) are stored in photos captured by the Phantom 4 RTK. Absolute altitude can be used for mapping, and relative altitude can be found in the XMP file.
5.How can I capture oblique photography when using the Phantom 4 RTK?
Oblique imagery can be captured while flying in the Photogrammetry mode on the GS RTK app. In the Photogrammetry mode, you can adjust gimbal angle from -90 °to -45° under Camera Settings for your flight plan.You can only set one gimbal angle value at a time, so for sites where you want to capture multiple angles you can plan the same mission and just adjust the camera angle.
6.Can I create a 3D model or point cloud with third-party software using the images captured by the Phantom 4 RTK? If yes, what is the accuracy of the model created?
Yes, you can use third-party software to process Phantom 4 RTK image data and create models, however the accuracy will vary based on the photogrammetric algorithm used. Please refer to the third-party software provider for more information on expected accuracy.
7.When there are no Ground Control Points (GCPs), what is the accuracy of the model that the Phantom 4 RTK data can make? Can the accuracy meet the requirements of 1:500 scale aerial triangulation?
The orthoimages created with the images captured by the Phanton 4 RTK and select reconstruction software have shown an absolute accuracy of roughly 5 cm, while the accuracy required in 1:500 scale aerial triangulation is less than 30 cm. This means the Phantom 4 RTK's accuracy meets the requirements of 1:500 scale aerial maps.
8.Is the Phantom 4 RTK compatible with third-party base stations?
No, you cannot connect third-party base stations to the Phantom 4 RTK or the remote controller via a radio station. However, you can obtain data from a network RTK server via Ntrip protocol in 4G/Wi-Fi network environment. Satellite observation data can also be saved in the aircraft for users to conduct post processed kinematics (PPK) to complete their tasks.
9.When I collect orthoimages with the Phantom 4 RTK, what may cause inaccuracies in elevation?
Possible causes include:
(1)The GCP is set in a different coordinate system or height datum from that of the Phantom 4 RTK’s position. Please make sure they are in the same coordinate system.
(2)The Phantom 4 RTK’s RTK status is not “FIX”. Ensure that the RTK status is “FIX” when collecting data.
(3)The internal camera parameters used by the post processing software are not accurate.
10.If the internal camera parameters in the post processing software are not accurate, how can I improve the elevation accuracy when using orthophotos from the Phantom 4 RTK?
Enable Elevation Optimization in Photogrammetry 2D and Block Segmentation. At the end of the mission, the Phantom 4 RTK will fly towards the center of the area mapped and collect additional oblique images to enhance elevation accuracy. This feature is only available in Photogrammetry 2D and Block Segmentation.


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